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Stary 19-11-2007, 23:05   #26
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Reputacja: 1 SG nie jest za bardzo znanySG nie jest za bardzo znanySG nie jest za bardzo znanySG nie jest za bardzo znany
She went to sleep chewing over everything that happened that day. A drug. The Koreans. Meyer… who’s that guy? Meeting at Goran’s Factory. The deadman, CIA agent. The morning wasn’t any different, except the sun. It encroached on the room flickering through the curtains. The light was shining directly on the agent’s face, stroking her cheek gently, so trying to use just a bit more sleep was out of the question. She got untucked from a duvet and stretched a few times.
That will be a long day – she sighed.

The first thing she did was writing a report on the issues of the previous day and sending it to the boss. A usual, routine procedure that has to be done. But according to the schedule she made in her mind the next thing on the list was going to be far more interesting. It was time to gather some information about the drug itself, and there could be some people among the old friends, that might help in this matter. Rachael flicked through an old address book in order to find someone appropriate. She put it in the pocket of the coat she put on just before she left the house and went towards the place that was once her “backyard”…
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