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Stary 23-01-2006, 17:10   #11
Reputacja: 1 Marvin ma wyłączoną reputację
Congratulations!!! You are a proud member of the Egyptian Pantheon. Were you alive thousands of years ago, you would have helped build the famed Egyptian Pyramids. Like the sophisticated Egyptians, you value learning and logic. Though moving within a ponderous bureaucracy and priesthood, the pantheon of Egypt runs the gamut from river gods to sky gods to builder gods. Your grasp of art, architecture and stately beauty creates civilizations worth defending and expanding. You'll enjoy cruising the Nile in reed barges admiring the magnificent works of your people.

Loyal and inventive, Isis is an icon of dogged determination. Able to adapt to constantly changing situations, your Isis abilities hold in good stead as an innovative commander in the stress of battle. In addition, your fierce protectiveness of family and dependents gains you admiration and loyalty from your allies and subjects. Your tendency to give everyone the benefit of the doubt can sometimes blind you to real enemies; keep your eyes open.
God Power: Sentinel. Protects a Town Center with four sentinels.

Hmmm.. Izyda? Fajnie, nawet mi się podobają jej atrybuty. Tylko trochę nie tak z moją płcią
Marvin the Paranoid Android
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