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Stary 09-07-2015, 13:58   #24
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In the early Viking period the basis of the army was the HIRD (pronounced 'heerth'), the men of the lord's hearth who had sworn loyalty to him. Many would be fellow countrymen drawn by a lord's reputation for valour and generosity, but some would be professional fighters seeking the best rewards.

King: This title is self explanatory and will not be used in the current era. Its implementation will be considered as the time line evolves.

Jarl: Fully independent lordship, some hold lands by right of inheritance, others ruthlessly fight their way to power. Jarls are distinguished by their wealth, measured in terms of followers, treasure, ships, and estates. The eldest son of the Jarl is on the fast track to becoming the next Jarl. But, by gaining enough fame and wealth, a Herse can become a Jarl. The power of a Jarl depends upon the goodwill of his supporters. The Jarl's essential tasks are to uphold the security, prosperity, and honour of his followers. A Jarl is second only to the King. This rank is one that occupies both social and military rank structure.

Herse: Regional chieftains, answerable to a Jarl or the King. These leading men are normally the fiercest warriors, taking pride of place within the centre of shield wall. A Herse will have many men in their employ, including both free and unfree men. They will have at least one ship complete with crew and can be responsible for a fleet of ships, engaging the services of Huskarls (ship masters). This rank is one that occupies both social and military rank structure.

Merkismathr: The Merkismathr is a rank of renown and rarity within the military structure. Basically a standard bearer, an honoured position since many Viking standards were said to have magical properties, or champion of a Lord. Normally only one of such rank would be seen per Jarl.

Huskarl: Veteran warriors who have been granted the right to own a ship. Whether the ship is crewed by his own men or those of his lord, a Huskarl's word upon his ship is final. A rank of great standing due to the affiliation of boat ownership. Huskarlar are also referred to as ship masters, having exceptional navigational skills, relying only on the sun and stars to guide them across uncharted seas.

Thegn: Older or veteran warriors of a boats crew. Thegn's are seasoned soldiers, participants of multiple expeditions and shield walls. They are fierce men, brought up learning martial skills, surviving the brutalities faced by a war like people. Their greatest beliefs consist of views that claim you must stand toe to toe in a shield wall at least once and also ridden the storm, after these trials you could be known as a sword Dane.

Dreng: Young warrior. This is the most common title found amongst a boats crew. Dreng's would be in service to any who offered them security, prosperity and mead! A Dreng shows equanimity in the face of danger, not because of insensitivity or stupidity, but because the danger and the possible risk to life and limb are unimportant compared to the need to maintain self-respect and the respect of the community. There is a practical side to such imperturbability, because not only is it unmanly to show concern or fear in the face of danger, but also useless.
Nie wiem, czy w historycznie poprawna, ale ma swój klimat. To w kwestii ewentualnego "levelowania" postaci i wzrostu ich sławy oraz sił Na razie chyba nasze postacie "główne" mają rangę thegnów, poza jarlką Eleanor i tą osobą, która ma łódź
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