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Stary 25-09-2017, 00:31   #97
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Napisał Lord Melkor Zobacz post
Rozumiem że umiejętność thrown dotyczy broni rzucane jak toporki i oszczepy?

Waham się czy używać jako głównej broni dwuręcznego topora i mieć ksywkę Bloodaxe czy młota i mieć ksywkę Skullsmasher.
Według podręcznika:

THROW (25%): To pick up something and
hit a target from a distance, use Throw.
Large rocks and smallish stone blocks take
both hands and travel a yard for each STR
point exceeding its SIZ. Hurl a balanced
hand-sized object five meters for each STR
point above its SIZ. Smaller objects travel
six meters or more for each STR point above
SIZ. Both bounce on for more.
• A palm-sized stone does 1D3 damage.
Hurled from a moderate height, add an-
other 1D3 of damage for every six me-
ters the thing falls; thus a palm-sized
rock hurled down from a 18-yard-high
tower does 4D3 damage.
• A head-sized stone does 1D4+1 dam-
age. Hurled from a moderate height,
add another 1D4+1 of damage for every
six meters the thing falls. Thus a head-
sized stone hurled down from a 18-yard-
high tower does 4D4+4 damage.
• A torso-sized boulder does 2D4+3 dam-
age. Add another 2D4+3 points of dam-
age for every six meters the thing drops;
falling from a 18-yard-high tower, it does
8D4+12 in damage.
• Boulders of larger size yet kill humans
automatically when they hit, either by
crushing directly or as a by-product of
the shock from the injury.
• Dropped from a moderate height or
higher, boulders of SIZ half or more of
the target’s SIZ kill it or, if its Luck roll
succeeds, do it major wound injury.
Armor naturally defends against this sort of
attack. Each thrown weapon is represented
by a skill; see the weapon tables, See also
Thrown Objects, in the spot rules for com-
With a special success, the target might
receive extra damage, or perhaps some-
thing else beneficial to the thrower occurs.
A fumble could cause incidental damage to
comrades or bystanders, or the thrown ob-
ject could break.
Przedostatni podpunkt świadczy o tym, dlaczego siła i rozmiar ma w tym systemie takie znaczenie. Olbrzym, który podniesie ważący tonę głaz rozsmaruje każdego awanturnika, w którego trafi.
Na szczęście wy też potraficie mocno przywalić z użyciem oręża, a że taki olbrzym zbroi raczej nie ma, to takie rąbnięcie toporem oburęcznym zaboli go podwójnie

Wydaje mi się, że 3k6+db topora jest mocniejsze od 1k10+3+db młota, ale krzywka skullsmasher jest lepsza
[URL="www.lastinn.info/sesje-rpg-dnd/18553-pfrpg-legacy-of-fire-i.html"][B]Legacy of Fire:[/B][/URL] 26.10.2019
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