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Stary 26-07-2021, 18:42   #18
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Napisał Rey Zobacz post
Hej, ja przepraszam, że marudzę, ale nie widzę informacji o cnym krasnoludzie Borcie. Czy mogę dostać garść faktów na jego temat?
Jasne, chociaż w samej przygodzie też za wiele o nim nie ma No ale ogólny obraz krasnoluda można sobie wyrobić po przeczytaniu poniższego opisu:

Bort keeps his prodigious beard immaculately trimmed and well maintained. Bort seems to be a friendly, honest merchant, who prides himself on having whatever a small community might need. He’s warm and caring toward the members of his crew and polite and courteous to his paying passengers. He can often be found with a mug of ale in one hand and savory food in the other, telling some outlandish story about his travels, which generally involves him getting out of danger in the most ridiculous of ways. He is slow to anger, quick to laugh, and more than capable of verbally dancing out of any danger.
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