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Stary 06-03-2006, 18:48   #3
Reputacja: 1 Fistus ma wspaniałą przyszłośćFistus ma wspaniałą przyszłośćFistus ma wspaniałą przyszłośćFistus ma wspaniałą przyszłośćFistus ma wspaniałą przyszłośćFistus ma wspaniałą przyszłośćFistus ma wspaniałą przyszłośćFistus ma wspaniałą przyszłośćFistus ma wspaniałą przyszłośćFistus ma wspaniałą przyszłośćFistus ma wspaniałą przyszłość
Znajdował się na baaardzo starym serverze LI.
n0=on 1:text:*d*:#: {
n1=  set %screen a b c e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w y z
n2=  set %x 1
n3=  :scan
n4=  if ($gettok(%screen,%x,32) isin $1-) { /halt }
n5=  inc %x 1
n6=  if ($gettok(%screen,%x,32) != $null) { goto scan }
n7=  :prestart
n8=  if (($count($1-,d) > 1) || ($count($1-,+) > 1) || ($count($1-,-) > 1) || ($count($1-,x) > 1)) { /msg $chan Too many parameters $nick $+ . | /halt }
n9=  if (d isin $1) { /set %raw $1 | /set %sets 1 }
n10=  else if (d isin $2)  { /set %raw $2 | /set %sets $1 }
n11=  if (%sets !isnum) { /msg $chan %sets is not a valid number $nick $+ . | /halt }
n12=  if (%sets > 12) { /msg $chan 12 sets of dice maximum per roll $nick $+ . | /halt }
n13=  set %checkset 0
n14=  %multiply = 1
n15=  %modifier = 0
n16=  :begin
n17=  inc %checkset 1
n18=  if %checkset > %sets goto final
n19=  %result = 0
n20=  :filter1
n21=  if (x isin %raw) { set %multiply $gettok(%raw,2,120) | set %raw $remtok(%raw,%multiply,120) }
n22=  if (+ isin %raw) { set %modifier $gettok(%raw,2,43) | set %raw $remtok(%raw,%modifier,43) }
n23=  else if (- isin %raw) { set %modifier $gettok(%raw,2,45) | set %raw $remtok(%raw,%modifier,45) | set %modifier - $+ %modifier }
n24=  if (%modifier !isnum) { /msg $chan %modifier is not a valid number $nick $+ . | /halt }
n25=  if (%multiply !isnum) { /msg $chan %multiply is not a valid number $nick $+ . | /halt }
n26=  if ($len(%modifier) > 6) { /msg $chan That modifier is too large $nick $+ . | /halt }
n27=  if (%multiply > 20) { /msg $chan That multiplier is too large $nick $+ . | /halt }
n28=  :filter2
n29=  if ($left(%raw,1) isnum) {
n30=    set %sides $gettok(%raw,2,100)
n31=    set %times $gettok(%raw,1,100)
n32=  }
n33=  else { %sides = $remove(%raw,d) | %times = 1 }
n34=  if (%sides !isnum) { /msg $chan %sides is not a valid number $nick $+ . | /halt }
n35=  if ($len(%sides) > 6) { /msg $chan There are too many sides on that die $nick $+ . | /halt }
n36=  if (%times !isnum) { /msg $chan %times is not a valid number $nick $+ . | /halt }
n37=  if (%times > 1000) { /msg $chan 1000 dice of any type maximum $nick $+ . | /halt }
n38=  set %checkresult 0
n39=  :rolldice
n40=  inc %checkresult 1
n41=  if %checkresult > %times goto process
n42=  else { %result = %result + $rand(1,%sides) | goto rolldice }
n43=  :process
n44=  if (%modifier != 0) { %result = %result + %modifier }
n45=  if (%multiply != 1) { %result = %result * %multiply }
n46=  set %total %total %result
n47=  goto begin
n48=  :final
n49=  /describe $chan throws the bones for $nick ( $+ $1- $+ ) and gets %total $+ .
n50=  /unset %total
Zapisz to jako dice.ini i wsio.
"A flame which never dies, but brightens with the passing of time."
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