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Stary 05-11-2017, 22:22   #5
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może niekoniecznie tyczy się samego NY ale ciekawy koncept (choć niezbyt odkrywczy)


So what does ISIL’s territoriality look like? As I wrote in August 2015, unlike modern states that legitimize their authority by “fixing” [Westphalian] borders and treating them as “impregnable shells,” ISIL professes “territorial flexibility.” Such flexibility was shared by many extra-Westphalian empires, including Islamic states of the past like the Ottoman Empire. These pre-modern empires emphasized not “hard” borders, but open and fluid frontiers. This approach allowed these empires to project an ideology of continuous expansion, while making it easier to accommodate strategic retreats and territorial contractions. Just like these empires, ISIL projects an expansionist ideology, but is much more comfortable with territorial losses than a nation-state would be.
w sumie ma to sens w kontekscie "nacji" w Neuro, a także nawiązuje na swój sposób do tradycji dzikiego zachodu który był płynną granicą "cywilizacji białego człowieka"
A Goddamn Rat Pack!
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