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Stary 22-08-2018, 10:12   #1205
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Jest to zakręcie z polskiego podręcznika Królestwo Magii.
Opisane jest tylko, że zaklęcie mija po minucie na każdy Twój punkt magii. Moim zdaniem raz już rzucone nie wygaśnie przez utratę świadomości.

Take No Heed
Casting Number: 9
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredient: A pinch of nothing in particular (+1)
Description: You become very easy to ignore. Although people
can see you perfectly fine, they tend not to notice you, and
don’t recall anything about you after you’ve gone. People
must make an Opposed Will Power Test with you in order
to approach or talk to you unless you speak first, even if
they’ve noticed you earlier. (They need not re-roll in the
middle of a conversation, but if, for example, a shopkeeper
succeeded in a roll to notice you when you came into his
shop but was busy with other things at that moment, he’d
need to make another roll to come over and talk to you
later in your visit.) Even those who notice and approach or
speak to you must make another (unopposed) Will Power
Test to remember any specific details about you after you’ve
gone. The nature of this spell is such that its effects do not
disturb or alarm those trying to notice or remember you;
they chalk the situation up to distractions or the like. Lasts
one minute per point of your Magic Characteristic.

Jak zwykle polskie tłumaczenie pomija kluczowe zasady lub zmienia je na swoją wizję... Dlatego pomimo, że posiadam prawie wszystkie podręczniki wydane w języku polskim, to głównie korzystam z PDFów z DriveThruRPG.
[URL="www.lastinn.info/sesje-rpg-dnd/18553-pfrpg-legacy-of-fire-i.html"][B]Legacy of Fire:[/B][/URL] 26.10.2019

Ostatnio edytowane przez Warlock : 22-08-2018 o 10:15.
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