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Stary 27-10-2014, 22:18   #161
Lord Cluttermonkey
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Reputacja: 1 Lord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputację
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Napisał Dragon Magazine #31
Question: We have a group of players here who insist that
they can ride on a mule in a 10-foot-wide and 10-foot-high
corridor and shoot arrows from longbows. Now, there are two
characters who say they ride side by side and do this over the
objections of the rest of the party members. I think this is
wrong. Am I right?

Answer: Yes, you are correct. First, you cannot shoot arrows from a
longbow in a dungeon that has 10-by-10-foot passageways. Longbows
are indirect fire weapons and you need lots of space to use one.
Second, as for the men: From your letter, I gather that they are wearing
plate mail. It would be extremely difficult to ride side by side in a
corridor this size with two nervous mules and two fully armored men.
The mules are not strong enough to carry what a war horse is supposed
to carry. Mules are mostly used as pack animals. Also, firing from
the back of an animal is hard enough and to fire a longbow from one is impossible.
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