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Stary 27-07-2016, 16:10   #18
Lord Cluttermonkey
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Drowy Salvadora są.....miękkie i wcale nie straszne. Liczę na zupełnie inny koncept drowów u Amona, patrząc na kreowane przez niego postaci mroczniaków - stąd apetyt mam deko zaostrzony
Może gygaxowy Erelhei-Cinlu? Oryginalny opis z Vault of the Drow to jak znalazł dla Amona.

Between 8,000 and 9,000 Drow live in the city, and double that
number of half-casts, servants, and slaves. To this permanent
population can be added a thousand or so creatures visiting
for purposes known only to themselves. The tiers and
dungeons of Erelhei-Cinlu reek of debauchery and decadence,
and the city's inhabitants are degenerate and effete.
(Those with any promise and ability are brought out of the
place to serve the fighting societies, merchant clans or noble
houses. The rest are left to wallow in the sinkhole of absolute
depravity which is Erelhei-Cinlu.) The most popular places in
the city are the gambling dens, bordellos, taverns, drug
saloons, and even less savory shops along the two main
streets. The back streets and alleyways too boast of brothels,
poison shops, bars, and torture parlors. Unspeakable things
transpire where the evil and jaded creatures seek pleasure,
pain, excitement, or arcane knowledge, and sometimes
these seekers find they are victims. All visitors are warned that
they enter the back streets of the city at their peril.
[D&D 5E | Zapomniane Krainy] Megaloszek Szalonego Clutterbane’a - czekam na: Lord Melkor, Dust Mephit, Panicz, psionik
[Adventurer Conqueror King System] Saga Utraconego Królestwa - czekam na: Gladin, WOLOLOKIWOLO, Stalowy, Lord Melkor, Pliman

Ostatnio edytowane przez Lord Cluttermonkey : 27-07-2016 o 17:51.
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