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Stary 17-01-2023, 14:42   #8
Lord Cluttermonkey
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Reputacja: 1 Lord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputacjęLord Cluttermonkey ma wspaniałą reputację
Korzystając z chwili przerwy, krótka aktualizacja - kilka kolejnych rzutów aby zdefiniować miejsce gry - planetę Saeunn.

Atmosphere: Breathable mix

Breathable mix atmospheres can support human life without additional equipment or gengineered modification. Any world that has a human population in the millions or more almost certainly has a breathable mix atmosphere.

While the air is breathable, almost every world has its own subtle cocktail of inert gases, atmospheric contaminants, and other odoriferous ingredients. For spacers accustomed to the filtered air supply of a starship, the “new world stink” of a fresh planetfall can be maddening, as few linger long enough to get used to the smell of the local air. Attempting to explain the source of this discomfort to the locals rarely results in positive results. Some spaceport bars make a point of their air filtration and composition mixers.
Temperature: Temperate, Earthlike in its ranges

Temperate worlds were the most popular colony sites, and most of the truly populous worlds of the frontier have a temperate climate. Many temperate worlds have temperature ranges not unlike that of Earth, though most are canted a little further toward cold or heat depending on their angle and proximity to the local star.

Temperate worlds are the most likely to teem with native life as well, and to have alien ruins or remains located somewhere on their surface. Most frontier worlds never accumulated enough population to put a serious strain on a temperate world’s arable land, but this same capaciousness often allows for more complicated social divisions to develop. Natives of other worlds are often forced to cooperate or die, while those of a clement temperate world have the luxury of deep and lasting divisions.
Biosphere: Immiscible biosphere

Immiscible biospheres are not friendly to humans. None of the local plants or animals are edible, and anything the colony needs to eat will have to be grown from Terran stock. Worse, it is common for the pollen and other microbial life of these worlds to be highly allergenic to humans, requiring the regular use of tailored antiallergenics to prevent eventual respiratory failure or exotic immune-system reactions.

These worlds are exceptionally susceptible to the temptation of human gengineering. Despite the persistent drawbacks, genetic flaws, and handicaps that human gengineering usually introduces in a subject, the desperate need to eat can drive worlds to wholesale experimentation on their progeny. The resultant altered humans are often able to digest the local food, but commonly pay for it in shortened life spans, physical disabilities, or an inability to consume Terran foodstuffs. Sometimes the consequences are worse still.

Immiscible biospheres produce some of the most exotic plants and animals in human space. Unfettered by the limits of familiar evolutionary patterns, creatures of bizarre beauty and strange configurations are found on many of these worlds. Many lack the intelligence to realize that humans are as poisonous to them as they are to humans.
Population: Outpost - wynik 10 sugerował wyższą populację (hundreds of millions of inhabitants), ale dopasowałem do wylosowanego world tag - Outpost world... Z tych setek milionów mieszkańców nie zamierzam rezygnować - to prawdopodobnie nie-ludzie, a kto dokładnie - tego się jeszcze dowiemy.

Outposts are rarely composed of more than a few hundred or few thousand colonists at the most. Outposts are either very new colonies that have not have the requisite time to grow or they are uncolonized worlds that just happen to have a naval or corporate base on the surface.

Corporate or military outposts aren’t intended to be completely self-sufficient. While large outposts are often forced to raise their own food supplies, replacement personnel, spare parts, and advanced tech must all be brought in from elsewhere. Such temporary outposts are known to find themselves in sudden distress when a vital supply ship fails to make its drop or when some local threat proves more than the staff can handle.

Colonial outposts tend to be better equipped but with less outside backing. Such natives expect to live and die on the world, and are more inclined to build permanent structures and local improvements. Many are exiles, malcontents, or others incapable of tolerating the world that sent them forth, and it can make for a somewhat explosive mix in a young colony. These pioneers tend to be very friendly towards visiting starships, as they are often dependent upon free traders and tramp merchants to bring them vital supplies or news of the sector.

Some “outposts” are really just the stubborn, persistent survivors of a long-failed colonization attempt. These cultures can survive for centuries, perpetually culled by the dangers of the world until the survivors are little more than one more ragged element of the local ecology.
Tech Level: TL1, medieval technology (+ Spelljamming ships - dopisek własny)

Przyznam, że na Tech Level nie rzucałem - wybrałem taki, jaki mi pasował do wstępnych założeń tej sesji (patrz pierwsza wiadomość w tym wątku).

Tech level 1 worlds have managed to find and exploit metal deposits and likely have imported or domesticated beasts of burden. Those worlds with easy access to fossil fuels or a similarly energy-dense substance can advance to greater things, but a culture trapped at TL1 is unlikely to have access to such helpful resources. A few worlds have enough usable plant matter or other combustibles to make steam engines feasible, but those with very much of such a resource usually make the leap to the next tech level eventually.

As a consequence, tech level 1 worlds tend to be caught at much the same general level of development as their tech level 0 cousins. They may have elaborate social structures and cultural development, but they are unable to mechanize without some energy-dense resource to serve as fuel. The scavenged hulks of their ancestors’ fusion plants may stand as mute temples to the achievements of their forebears, but without the tech necessary to repair and rebuild such edifices the world is dependent on purely local fuel sources.

Tech level 1 worlds tend to respond to visitors in much the same way as tech level 0 planets. The ruling class of these worlds is liable to be able to muster larger cities, bigger armies, and all the other perquisites that come from being able to work the available agricultural land with fewer hands.
World tags: Local Tech, Outpost World


The locals can create a particular example of extremely high tech, possibly even something that exceeds pretech standards. They may use unique local resources to do so, or have stumbled on a narrow scientific breakthrough, or still have a functional experimental manufactory.

Enemies Keeper of the tech, Offworld industrialist, Automated defenses that suddenly come alive, Native alien mentors

Friends Curious offworld scientist, Eager tech buyer, Native in need of technical help

Complications The tech is unreliable, The tech only works on this world, The tech has poorly-understood side effects, The tech is alien in nature.

Things The tech itself, An unclaimed payment for a large shipment, The secret blueprints for its construction, An ancient alien R&D database

Places Alien factory, Lethal R&D center, Tech brokerage vault

The world is only a tiny outpost of human habitation planted by an offworld corporation or government. Perhaps the staff is there to serve as a refueling and repair stop for passing ships, or to oversee an automated mining and refinery complex. They might be there to study ancient ruins, or simply serve as a listening and monitoring post for traffic through the system. The outpost is likely well-equipped with defenses against casual piracy.

Enemies Space-mad outpost staffer, Outpost commander who wants it to stay undiscovered, Undercover saboteur

Friends Lonely staffer, Fixated researcher, Overtaxed maintenance chief

Complications The alien ruin defense systems are waking up, Atmospheric disturbances trap the group inside the outpost for a month, Pirates raid the outpost, The crew have become converts to a strange set of beliefs

Things Alien relics, Vital scientific data, Secret corporate exploitation plans

Places Grimy recreation room, Refueling station, The only building on the planet, A “starport” of swept bare rock.
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Ostatnio edytowane przez Lord Cluttermonkey : 17-01-2023 o 14:55.
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