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Warhammer Fantasy Role Play Warhammer Fantasy Role Play

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Stary 06-08-2004, 00:30   #1
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WFRP 2 - troche informacji przed wydaniem

O to co już wiadomo o drugiej edycji tego systemu.
Informacje zebrane z pewnego forum. Nie podejmuję się tłumaczenia .
btw. Jak ktoś będzie miał problemy, żeby to zrozumieć to może nie pograć w WFRP 2 (lub przynajmniej poczytać podręczniki (zawsze zostają obrazki ), ponieważ wydawnictwo MAG trochę się pokłuciło z Games Workshop i nie wiadomo czy się podejmą wydania polskich wersji podręczników (jest jeszcz ISA ).

Black Industries (BL) and Green Ronin (GR)
WFRP is published by Black Industries and developed for them by Green Ronin.
Web site for publisher:
Web site for developer:

Press release from Black Industries
Press release from Green Ronin

People confirmed to be involved
Simon Butler
Chris Pramas
Anthony Ragan

”I am involved, but no contracts have been signed nor any proposal accepted yet, so I think it's best for me to keep mum about the details, lest
Chris send his pet troll to chat with me about "good practice." <smiley>” – Anthony Ragan on the WFRP mailing list

Pramas has written for WFRP before. He contributed The Place of Testing for Dying of the Light.
Also, Pramas has said that he’d be crazy not to try and involve Graeme Davis, since Green Ronin are already working with him on their Freeport line.

A fan asked about James Wallis being involved, Butler said he hasn’t had the time to ask him, and that it was very much up to Wallis himself.

Black Library hopes to get the widest possible distribution for WFRP2, and that means book and hobby stores, as well as direct sales.

Release date and schedule
WFRP2 sometime early 2005. New books every 2-3 months after that. The plan is to make the rulebook, and then have three types of books to support the line:

• Geographic areas with background, character creation information, scenarios, new careers, races, classes and skills.
• Different races. More detail on Dwarves, Elves, bad guys and so on.
• Different aspects of the world - what's magic all about? What would it be like to be a warlord in the border princes, and so on.

Storm of Chaos
WFRP2 will take place after the Storm of Chaos. Nothing has been stated about the fate of Middenheim, and what would happen if it was destroyed.

Old World
“As for the WFRP, The thing I always try to remember is that WFRP is the RPG of the Warhammer World, not the RPG of Warhammer the Fantasy Battle Game - I know that sounds like I'm splitting hairs, but think about it a little. WFRP gives us an opportunity to go and poke around in the grubby, dirty corners of the Old World that the Battle game doesn't go anywhere near. Fantasty Battle doesn't care about Ratcatchers, or if there's a secret chaos artefact buried in the woods that's drawing every Beastman for miles around, or if there's just something not quite right with your local butcher, but WFRP does. I always like to think of WFB as a game of cataclysmic events of the Warhammer World - invasions, battles and massive incursions, while WFRP deals with the grubby world of politic, intruige, and the consequesnces of these great events.” – Simon Butler

“We will be bringing WFRP into line with the current IP, as this gives folks a huge resource of consistent refernce material to draw inspiration from - novels, comics, Inferno, army books, miniatures, worldwide campaigns etc etc etc. I just don't buy the line that this means an automatic loss of the essential dark and gritty nature of WFRP - the Warhammer world is a thoroughly unpleasant place to live, and that feel that was so prevalent in WFRP 1 will carry right through into WFRP2.” - Simon Butler

There will be background information in the basic rulebook, updated to mesh with current WFB world view. Grim and perilous atmosphere to be retained. According to Butler WFRP2 will be quite Empire-centric and will have the key background and information players and referees need to get going.

Even so stuff about other areas aren’t ruled out, just highly unlikely.

The Empire and Bretonnia supplements will have vastly expanded background material, as well as additional careers and character generation material.

Brettonia will be lika current WFB army book, not 5th edition WFB army book.

Stuff to be developed mentioned are:

The Empire

An adventure trilogy is also being developed, starting right after the Storm of Chaos. There are currently no plans to reprint old stuff.

Mordheim will be covered by the Mordheim game, not WFRP2.

Warhammer Online
BL was working with WHOL, qand stated that they would probably reuse things they have developed. WFRP2 is not the WHOL RPG, though, which is good since WHOL got cancelled.

This will have no effect on WFRP2 according to Simon Butler.

“I can't rule out that alien attack, firm proof of the real existence of Nurgle (dear lord, Priestly was telling the truth all along!!!), or an armed takeover of the RPG world by badgers might have an effect on our plans, but I'm still betting money on a Spring release” – Simon Butler, June 22, 2004

”I've posted on this in the WHOL thread, but in essence, the decision to terminate development on WHOL has NO bearing on WFRP2 at all.” – Simon Butler, June 22, 2004

Only one book required to play.

Q: “My only worry is that characters will be closer to Warhammer Quest, with mighty heroes to begin with, rather than the typical boatman who finds himself in a consipracy of Chaos. Any reassurance would be much appriated.” - Lucius
A: “I'm happy to say that the inherent character of WFRP will be retained, so your boatman analogy works well. I think Warhammer Quest is a great game, but WFRP it aint.” – Simon Butler

WFRP described by BL as a “fairly heavy re-write”. They will have a look at the stuff in the Apocryphas and see what to make of it. Noting definitive about this.

The system will be retained and updated. It will not use another system, such as d20, d6, GURPS or Savage Worlds.

Conversion between WFRP and WFRP2 is supposed to be fairly straightforward for GMs.

Miniatures will not be required to play WFRP2, but they will “enhance” the game.

Ogres might make it as a player race.

Insanity rules will still be a part of the game.

Alignment might very well get the boot.

“WFRP2 is a fairly heavy re-write, taking into account 20+ years of feedback. The system needs a rewrite to make it the best system it can be, and it's getting one. Character Creation, Magic, and Combat all get fairly hefty updates. Skills and careers systems, are still solid, so pretty much just get a polish, some stuff, like alignment, probably just goes. I realise we're not going to be able to please everyone, as everyone has their own pecadillos, but our job is to make WFRP2 the very best game we can, and that's exactly what we're going to do.” – Simon Butler

One playtester gave this information (I hope he won’t get into trouble for this, although it is extremely likely that this breech of confidentiality will affect the group where this info came from. Playtesters beware!):

“So far, I am pleased with the efforts of the Green Ronin team. I think many of the 'old school ' will be as well. There are several new careers drawn from WFB and Mordheim that may be very interesting to play.” – Totmacher, July 27, 2004

“Due to the non-disclosure agreement I signed, I will reply with vague hints that won't get me in trouble-and our playstesting group deprived of our amusement.

A couple of the new classes are not from the Empire.
No more D6s in the game.
Several skills I deemed useless have been removed.
New skills have been added.
A few careers have disappeared or been combined into one.
The weapon types are much more distinct-look out for those gunpowder weapons!

The version we are playtesting is incomplete-magic and so forth have not been completed.” – Totmacher, July 28, 2004

“I can say that the new version pretty cool, and that playtesting started about a month ago. My players (and I) like the new rules so far, but we're still slogging through them and we've yet to convert our current campaign to WFRP2 (we will do next month). As for the rules, there are things that need to be worked out through playtesting, of course, and some rules and most background are not even available for playtest yet. I'll be interested to see whether or not they update the WFRP fluff to come up to date with WFB's fluff. When I find out, alas, I won't be able to share.” – Jim on the WFPR mailing list, July 23, 2004

Oldenhaller Contract
Might be replaced. Butler states that he likes it, but he’s tempted to put a new scenario in the new rules. If not included in the rulebook, another ”home” might be found for it.

Green Ronin has set up a call for playtesters, and it seems that they have chosen which testers to work with and so have begun testing. So if you applied and haven’t heard anything, I would assume your not one of the testers.

If you still want to influence the design process your best bet is to go to the Critical Hits forums, where Simon Butler from Black Industries keeps an eye out for interesting ideas.

Proposals and submissions
Black Industries are setting submission guidelines as soon as they are able to find the time.

“We may eventually host some forums here [at Green Ronin], but Black Industries wants to have only one official forum for starters. That said, people should feel free to continue to discuss things here if they like. We're interested in what you all have to say.” - Chris Pramas

Warpstone magazine
Will still be allowd to put out material.

It seems that support material (extra rules, articles, scenarios and so on) will not be covered by Fanatic, but by some other source.

Simon Butler had this to say on miniatures:

“And finally, I just wanted to take this opportunity to lay one rumour to rest, straight from the horses mouth if you like. The re release of WFRP does NOT constitute part of a cunning plot by secret GW marketing teams to sell more miniatures. Firstly GW doesn't have any big old marketing teams, and secondly, the reason that we're doing WFRP is because there are people within GW (Like me) who believe passionately in RPGs, as something we should be doing - for their own sake.” Simon Butler

“I intend to setup a proper newsletter that will have loads more information and previews etc within the next month or so, so please bear with us till then - we have lots to do at the moment!” – Simon Butler, May 18, 2004

Realms of Chaos
”no plans to reprint either of the Chaos books I'm afraid guys.....well, maybe not just as they stand...we might have some plans for smomething similar but cooler though” – Simon Butler, July 5, 2004

Jeśli ktoś posiada jakieś potwierdzone informacje na temat nadchodzącej edycji WFRP to zapraszam do podzielenia się nimi tutaj.
"A flame which never dies, but brightens with the passing of time."
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Stary 30-08-2004, 21:08   #2
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O Super może się czepiam, ale przez chwilę myślałem, że pomyliłem linki i trafiłem na stronę angielsko języczną o warhammerze. Może trochę od siebie a nie przekopiowanie info z innej strony??
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Stary 31-08-2004, 02:12   #3
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Jak wspomiałem wcześniej, wydanie polskiej edycji stoi (jak na razie) pod dużym znakiem zapytania, więc nie czepiaj się angielskiego (nie chciałem popełnić jakiegoś błedu podczas tłumaczenia). Chcesz po polsku w skrócie ? WFRP 2nd wyjdzie gdzieś około wakacji 2005; co do świata to pójdzie na przód, nie będzą to już wydarzenia 2 edycji WFB ale te po 5tej. Tyle wystarczy przeciętnemu zjadaczowi chleba ze słabą znajomością języka angielskiego.
"A flame which never dies, but brightens with the passing of time."
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Stary 31-08-2004, 19:00   #4
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Według mnie to bardzo duuuuuuży skrót
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Stary 31-08-2004, 21:55   #5
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Napisał Ryach
Według mnie to bardzo duuuuuuży skrót
Patrząc na samą objętośc tekstu można się było tego domyśleć.
Plus za odkrywczość .
Napisał Fistus
Jeśli ktoś posiada jakieś potwierdzone informacje na temat nadchodzącej edycji WFRP to zapraszam do podzielenia się nimi tutaj.
"A flame which never dies, but brightens with the passing of time."
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Stary 31-08-2004, 23:37   #6
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Tu nie chodzi o odkrywczość tylko o stosunek jednego tekstu do drugiego. Ja nie zmuszam do tłumaczenia. Ale streszczenie w naszym języku tego, co napisałeś wcześniej było by miłe.
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Stary 01-09-2004, 00:01   #7
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1. Ludzie i firmy:
Wydawca: Black Industries
Developer: Green Ronin

Simon Butler (kierownik projektu, szef Black Industries)
Chris Pramas (kierownik Green Ronin, współpracował wcześniej z Hogshead Publishing m.in. w pracach nad przygodą Dying of the Light)
Anthony Ragan

Być może do ekipy dołączy jeszcze kilka osób, m.in. Graeme Davis (jeden z głównych twórców 1ed WFRP) i James Wallis (były właściciel Hogshead), ale ich udział nie jest jeszcze pewny.

Dystrybutorem będzie oczywiście Black Library, co daje nadzieję na dużą dostępność nowej edycji Warhammera, a być może też polską edycję.

2. Daty:
Premiera jest planowana na początek 2005 roku, później, co 2-3 miesiące, mają się pojawiać nowe dodatki.

3. Co nowego?
W podręczniku ma być bardzo rozbudowany opis Imperium (geografia, demografia), do tego nowe profesje, rasy (również grywalne, np. przewiduje się możliwość gry ogrami), nowy system magii.
Świat i storylinia ma być zgodne z 6ed WFB i ostatnim projektem Games Workshop - Storm of Chaos. Jest to bardzo duży "turniej" WFB osadzony w realiach kolejnej inwazji chaosu. Od jego wyniku w dużym stopniu zależy ostateczny kształt drugiej edycji, gdyż jej storylinia będzie się rozgrywała po tej inwazji. Podczas ponownego opisywania świata Warhammera, twórcy mają korzystać z dotychczasowych publikacji (przygody, kampanie, powieści, armybooki, komiksy etc).

Najbardziej zastanawiający jest fakt, jak duży będzie związek nowej edycji WH RPG z jego bitewnym odpowiednikiem i czy takie postawienie sprawy (zgodność z 6ed) nie wpłynie negatywnie na klimat 2ed RPG´a. Jednakże z wypowiedzi autorów na różnych forach dyskusyjnych i materiałów prasowych można wywnioskować, że nawet "starzy wyjadacze" znajdą coś dla siebie. Jak będzie, czas pokaże, na razie jest jeszcze za wcześnie, a żeby o czymkolwiek przesądzać.

To chyba wszystkie najważniejsze informacje o drugiej edycji nieśmiertelnego Warhammera.
Sam byś to Ryach zrobił a nie się wyręczasz ludźmi .
"A flame which never dies, but brightens with the passing of time."
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Stary 01-09-2004, 00:14   #8
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Wim wim ale nie chcę nikogo wyręczać, a ogólnie nie za fajnie wyglądają posty po angielsku w polskojęzycznych forach
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Stary 01-09-2004, 00:38   #9
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Napisał Ryach
a ogólnie nie za fajnie wyglądają posty po angielsku w polskojęzycznych forach
Ja już wolę przeczytać coś po angielsku niż nie przeczytać tego w ogóle, dlatego jak macie jakieś newsy nawet po angielsku, to pisze tu.
"A flame which never dies, but brightens with the passing of time."
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Stary 01-09-2004, 22:49   #10
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Reputacja: 1 ant_z ma wyłączoną reputację
a mnie nadal zastanawia (bo post nie przyblizył tego) jak bedzie wygladac mechanika... czy nadal bedzie tak maksymalnie tabelkowata? czy nadal tarcza bedzie odejmowała jeden pkt obrazeń? czy nadal jeden koles bedzie mógł wyrżnąc cała bande goblinów? czy nadal bedzie tak kretyński sposób tworzenia postaci? te i wiele moich pytań pozostaja bez odpowiedzi+
jeśli masz swój świat to jesteś marzycielem
jeśli tworzysz do niego zasady to jesteś Bogiem
jeśli zapraszasz tam innych ludzi to jesteś Mistrzem Gry
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