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Stary 13-07-2007, 16:20   #1
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[sesja] Big Deal(er)

13 July 2007 09:30 pm

The night club Foxy Moves is a quite famous place when it comes to anonymity. People don't ask questions, the service is rather nice and the owner has so much things to hide. There are rumors that the owner has a deal with a local police. I think it's more than just rumors.

Outside the club looks perfectly normal. Just another night club like all the others. The same concerns the inside. Trashy, bright colours, lots of sequins and other shiny stuff. The dancing girls are doing their best, but the music really could be better.

The guests vary in age, sex, and skin colour. At this hour and this day of the week the club is rather full, but there are still few tables left and there are some free chairs by the bar. And there is one big table that you couldn't miss. Table full of drinks and food. By the table there are 4 people sitting. One looks like someone important, everyone here knows him – Andrei Brokhin.

There is also a tall man with very short, brown hair and they are talking about something. The other two people are just go-go girls and they seem to enjoy this evening. I bet they will be paid a lot of money, Brokhin is famous for his generosity.



You came to the club a bit earlier. The people you were looking for were already at the spot. Brokhin is having a nice evening with Mr Gates. So you were right, they are connected somehow. Now you just have to find out what exactly they are doing together. The table next to their table is free, but just next to it there are Brokhin's bodyguards. The task won't be easy.


The night club Foxy Moves is quite familiar to you. It's a great place for scums, but usually they are not very important. However today they have quite important guest – Andrei Brokhin. Russian mafia doesn't usually come to places like this, maybe Brokhin has some purpose in it. It would be hard to get to him, he has his bodyguards around him. It's 09:30, so the man his sitting with is not the man he wants meet tonight. It looks like you have to wait.

Cold & SG

The investigation you are currently running is quite hard and responsible. It's the hardest job they have ever given you. You're happy that you will have support, doing this alone wouldn't be funny. When you came to the club you saw your new partner at the entrance. You exchanged greetings with her as you were close friends because that was the plan. The last thing you want is attracting attention. You came together into the club and saw the boss sitting with a man and two girls. That will be a long night.

Niles Elmwood

You are a bit worried about this evening. You have no idea what Brokhin wants from you. Favours are something you don't like but you really can do nothing about it. It's 09:30 pm so you still have half an hour but you already left your apartment. The club is 20 minutes walk, but you can get there by car sooner if you want. However, Brokhin likes punctuality – coming 15 minutes earlier is not a very good idea.
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.” - Mary Anne Radmacher

Ostatnio edytowane przez Redone : 13-07-2007 o 16:58.
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Stary 14-07-2007, 22:04   #2
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Lawrence was sitting by the bar. Dressed like always in rather worned leather jacket, black jeans and soft sport shoes, so he didn't stand out in the enviroment. He wanted to see the club before aproaching his task. Scotch was looking around at other guests. He decided that he cannot just sit and observe the bar cause it looks very unnatural.

- Ay! Barman, scotch on the rocks, once! -

He tried to speak with normal accent but it was rather hard, as he spend much time with his scots in England. Happily it seemed that they asked no questions here, no one even looked at him when he spoke with strong scotish accent. As he grabbed the glass he felt more comfortable, good whisky smelled like home, and made him calm. Sipping his drink he was thinking about admiral Jeff Gates. Wondering how he can approach his objective. He moved slowly toward the table, looking at the girls. He sat in some distance from Brokhin and Gates, but he could observe them well from his place. Lawremce was looking at the girls dancing around, he tried to not show his interest in mafias boss, so his bodyguards wouldn't spot him. He starred at his glass, the whisky was good, and cool, and he should be the same. From this task depended his farther career in Navy and he didn't want to go back to training recruits in England. Lawrence observed all the guests, the Brokhin's bodyguards, and all the enviroment.

Ostatnio edytowane przez Diakonis : 29-07-2007 o 19:24.
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Stary 17-07-2007, 19:49   #3
Reputacja: 0 Niles Elmwood nie jest za bardzo znanyNiles Elmwood nie jest za bardzo znanyNiles Elmwood nie jest za bardzo znany
He dressed one of many his black shirts and left the apartment. His son Patrick was already asleep and Alina didn’t ask where he is going to and for…
“Maybe that’s even better” - he thought.
The constant habit of lying deeply tired him.

The car was parked on the main street.

There was quite some traffic, like you would expect on Friday night. The city is awaking up to its wild night dreaming. He knew the club. It used to be an Italian place in the past as he was told. Well, like the whole neighborhood back then…

It took him just twelve minutes to reach the destination point. He had a hard time to find a parking spot on the street. Normally he would have used the velvet guys, but not this time. No way. He wondered - "What a little brat like Brokhin wants from me… ?" He had a strange feeling that something a lot bigger is hiding in the shadow of this meeting. He parked two blocks away so the time spent on looking for a spot and a little walk was just all right with the few spare minutes. Donald always is that kind of a good timing guy…
Finally he went past a long, long crowd of young people waiting in a Foxy Moves’ admission line.

He had found himself somewhat expected at the front entrance door. The security guy seemed to be not surprised at all, by the Donald appearance. He let him inside shouting to the nervous crowd in the same time.

- Get the fuck in line!
– He yelled with the strong Russian accent and walked out, slamming the door behind him – Mr. Brokhin is waiting for you, sir. – he said pointing the big table.
The music was awfully played. The reached to the pocket and gave a twenty bucks to the man, and asked:

- Why don’t you change it? Let the DJ dude, play something useful…

By the time he started to go thru the crowd of dancing people toward the Russians table, the music has already been changed.

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Stary 23-07-2007, 23:24   #4
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Rachael was looking forward to this task, she has waited long for so serious case. She thought that it will be a true challenge, in which she will be able to approve herself. And she felt at ease. The only thing she could worry about was her partner. Rachael couldn’t judge her by these few phone calls.

She saw her passing Mia by on the motorbike.

Although she was prepared for that possibility, Rachael has been overtaken by great irritation when she saw the agent. She sweared. Bad mood was overwhelming her.
"Marvellous" – she thought – "a silk".
After she found a parking lot, she went to the club, smoothing out the sleeves of a modest grey silk blouse and correcting the tops of the boots hidden under the legs of black trousers. "Easy… according to the plan we’ll say hello to each other, go inside, sit by the bar. And I’ll pretend that I don’t care."
Rachael came up to her partner with a set smile on the face and hugged her, as it had been planned. She was annoyed that she has to act like that.

- Hey… you must be Mia. Let’s go to the club, sit by the bar and wait for something to happen.

When Rachael got inside, she was dazzled by a blaze of too bright colours and too much of glitter, so the bad mood deepened. The place was crowded, as somebody would expect from a night club at this time. As she followed Mia, she glanced her eye over the heads of hoi polloi like people, keeping in mind the portrait of that guy, Brokhin.

- There’s the bird… - whispered Rachael when she noticed the boss, sitting with two topless girls, talking to some other man.

Brokhin’s table looked completely normal. Just like the table of an important and known person should look like.

She sat back next to her partner and ordered a glass of martini, instinctively adjusting the watch on her wrist and checking the time. It was 9:37 pm. After a short time, somebody went in. The man clearly headed for the Brokhin’s table. And the music has been changed.

- Now that’s the right time for showtime to begin – she sighed, hoping that everything will go off smoothly and Mia LeBeau will prove her value, despite the skin colour.
Do zobaczenia w maju!

Ostatnio edytowane przez SG : 24-07-2007 o 14:26.
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Stary 24-07-2007, 12:16   #5
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On the small, night table made from wood, next to the lamp, electronic alarm clock has stood. It was possible to read in on display, that 8.30 pm came. Young woman has entered with impulse to bedroom and she has peered at electronic alarm clock with easy horror.
‘Shit! There is already late so, and I don’t know what I should be dressed to that! Fuck, what take over I so ? Hm, it can it, that there is your first, so serious, task? Jesus, Mia, for in thoughts stop chatting!’.
She has run at soft carpet to big, wall mirror. She has seen 28 years woman in reflection, about long, brown hair and brown -green eyes. Delicate features of faces transmitted femininity. She has smiled to reflection, then several steps have been removed to left and standing rear to two-personal bed with red bedclothes, she has opened oak wardrobe, full of clothes.
‘ Och, if I had cloak-room... ’
She has extracted bright blouse, long, dark, jeans trousers and she has run to bathroom fastly, where she has dressed up, made hairs and she has made modest make-up.
From apartment leaving, she has taken bag and jacket, on case if there was cold, and making sure, that proper outfit has badge, phone and keys, she has left outside.

Mia has entered to garage hasty, where private car waited for her. She has pressed small button on keys, characteristic sound of opened door has spread and Mia has sat behind steering-wheel, then she fired vehicle and it has left from garage to her part of purpose of journey.

Young woman has approached on place almost being late, but had this luck, that she has gotten on precisely.
She did not wait for partner too long, because after moment, as she has arrived, somebody has passed on motorbike.
Snsitive feel, as excitement grows in her - at least, Mia will meet Rachel - she contacted with her only by phone.
LeBeau has stepped up to front entrance and it has choked her. She had no way of knowing, that her partner is black. Not that Mia had something against blacks, but otherwise, she envisaged her a bit.
- Rachel, nice to see you! - she greeted joyfully – they had to imitate, that there were friends.
After saluting, they have entered inside. Foxy moves did not look from outside invitingly, and inside there wasn’t better. Agents were directed to part of bar, where had to sit intention.
Purpose of this task not give leave out, now it has sufficed to wait, until something begin happen.

- Now that’s the right time for showtime to begin.
- Yeah, right - Mia has answered, drinking her drink slowly, and peering corner eye on Brokhin’s table. She has smiled in morale, and have hope, that everything will go smoothly and fastly.
Jaka, sądzisz, jest biblia cygańska?
Niepisana, wędrowna, wróżebna.
Naszeptała ją babom noc srebrna,
Naświetliła luna świętojańska.
Cold jest offline  
Stary 24-07-2007, 20:06   #6

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Smiting everybody with his smile walked Vince with his girlfriend through guests and the staff of Foxy Moves. People moved out of the way in such manner as it was the President and the First Lady. Or maybe it was? Who knows... This confidence might have been even bigger than this presented by the lider of the free world.

He walked the lady to the table.

Sorry Jess, I have job to do.

Gentle kiss said to the women everything there was to say. But they pretended to be blind or something... During he's way to the Brokhin's table he was stopped several times. Oskar Wilde - why I am opposite to you? Never would i cheat on Jess in her eyes i would even have second thoughts if she wasnt to know whatsoever. With his pretty girl on his mind he sad near to mob boss unnoticed by anybody.

Hi Andrew! I'd like to...

He saw few guns pointed exacly on his stomach.

make some arrangments. You know, we have loads of this and that and nothing to do with this or that. Government give us insufficient funds, we have to do some bussiness ya know...
Stary 25-07-2007, 19:01   #7
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Everybody noticed the change of music. But most of people liked the previous one better. Well, there is no accounting for tastes. Another thing is that when it comes to taste, this place is just... tasteless. Nevertheless, it's a great place for Russian boss.

As all of you observed, a man came to Brokhin's table. He exchanged greetings with two men sitting at the table and he also sat down. He is probably the man Brokhin was waiting for. Just a moment later came another man, tall and handsome, but before he could speak his mind, Brokhin's bodyguards surrounded him. Three, strong, well-built bodyguards. Apparently with guns, because it would be stupid to think that those things under their coats are just hands. The man was forced to sit down and they started a conversation.


Brokhin looked at you with a strange, repulsive smile. He noded his head and the bodyguards forced you to seat next to the man that was sitting with Brokhin from the beginning.

- You are a very stupid man. But I'm in a good humour so I will listen what you want to say before killing you. Speak then. - said Brokhin.

He didn't have a strong russian accent so he is probably living in States for many years. Unfortunately, there is almost nothing about his past in his files.
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.” - Mary Anne Radmacher

Ostatnio edytowane przez Redone : 25-07-2007 o 23:00.
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Stary 25-07-2007, 23:18   #8

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Vincent just tryed to sprain one of the bodyguard's wrist but accidentally he missed the right part of arm and it end up in other way than he thought of. Precisely, he just couldnt breath for 1 second becouse of the punch he received.

-Nice. Now i know that your men ain't pussy's. Dont give me this look - they look like ones.

He whispered.

-Who tought you to dance like this? I'd say you have to attend more to the gym if you really want to hurt anyone.

Joke went throught. Other guards were laughting becouse the man was attending more to the gym, then anyone could imagine.

Back to bussiness. I came here to sell you 6 tons of cocaine which our brave boys confiscated on the board in last three weeks. I dont suppose anything - im quite sure you are interested. I demand only 10 mld dollars. I may reconsider if you would be so kind and talk with me in four eyes. There is one thing you could do for me to lower the price. What you say?

Hes face turned back to the bodyguard.

-But still u have some speed, man.

Ostatnio edytowane przez homeosapiens : 25-07-2007 o 23:20.
Stary 27-07-2007, 20:46   #9
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Sitting by the bar and still drinking slowly, Mia was peering at everything what was going on. Music was very... bad, and, in addition, someone came to Brokhin’s table. It was a man, could be said – hot man, but not very – with one word, he was ‘mediocre’, like all men in the street.

One of russian dealer’s bodyguards hit that ‘normal’ man... Well, maybe that’s his way of greeting, or so. ‘It must have hurt...’ – she thought and grimace of pain appeared on her face, weird unconditional impulse.

Instinctively, Mia looked around the place, that she, unfortunately, had to be in. It wasn't fine, it wasn't pretty, it was terrible! At least for someone like Mia LeBeau.

And Rachel... She didn’t look like somebody nice, but... Don’t judge book by its cover.
- Yeah, at least something began to happen... – she whispered to the woman sitting next to her, and smiled – maybe this night is going to be more exciting.
Jaka, sądzisz, jest biblia cygańska?
Niepisana, wędrowna, wróżebna.
Naszeptała ją babom noc srebrna,
Naświetliła luna świętojańska.

Ostatnio edytowane przez Cold : 28-07-2007 o 20:23.
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Stary 30-07-2007, 17:10   #10
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“Ok… it seems that somebody has to settle his accounts with mafia” – thought Rachael. She tried to observe the whole action in the way that doesn’t raise suspicions, looking around the club for a more suitable place at the same time. Sitting by the bar wasn’t the best idea if it’s about eavesdropping, and Rachael wanted to know what the conversation between Brokhin and that tall guy concerns. Besides they both were standing out too much here… but on the other hand, it would be very unnatural if they just changed the place now, when something was going on.

- Yeah, at least something began to happen… - Mia’s voice reminded her that she’s not alone here. But the smile on the white face of her partner reminded her also about bad mood… Rachael thought that a glass of martini which she ordered will help her to forget about it, but no. There was no way.
- Any ideas? – She asked when she willy-nilly shared the thoughts with Mia. – We can’t just sit and do nothing, can we?

And she smiled joyfully. To hide the dislike. There was less and less martini in the glass.
Do zobaczenia w maju!

Ostatnio edytowane przez SG : 30-07-2007 o 17:18.
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