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Sztuka Literatura, kinematografia, muzyka - a także artyzm i forumowe warsztaty o zdolnościach tworzenia, również nowe trendy i formy przejawów ludzkiej kreatywności. Humanistyka.

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Stary 05-02-2007, 20:13   #1
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Reputacja: 1 Solfelin ma z czego być dumnySolfelin ma z czego być dumnySolfelin ma z czego być dumnySolfelin ma z czego być dumnySolfelin ma z czego być dumnySolfelin ma z czego być dumnySolfelin ma z czego być dumnySolfelin ma z czego być dumnySolfelin ma z czego być dumnySolfelin ma z czego być dumnySolfelin ma z czego być dumny

Skoro była już liryka oraz wiersze (poetyckie), to teraz czas na prozę.

Znowu dwa pierwsze utwory daję po angielsku, cóż.

* * *

Threnody of Closed Word Assumption

When you’re leaving this world,
You transform your body to your soul.
Mind, brain, are united; and corpus is decomposed.
So well, this is something good what can be proved;
The truth of following sentence:
the only verity is harmony of word and world,
world and word, but the greatest is that:
something what is invisible and concealed
something what is true and eternal, endless
something what’re you saying about; but ever
that is avoiding your usual or unusual speech
something volatile, shunning from revelation.

Therefore, end of your searching God and
proofs of Him; He is still here. Still waiting,
when you’ll end your investigation of Truths.
Is only one truth
spoken in vary words.

Written by inspiration originated from one of my she-colleagues, Maggy.

* * *

Few words about Slavicountry

Not for only suggestions,
but more digestions,
politic aggressors,
language processors.
Slavicountry - Slavic people,
post-extinct time of Slavic apple,
central Europe - central problems,
soft terrain and modest troubles.
But - they’re dying, they won the war,
war for their rights, but no more
They’re dying from their stupidity.
They’re killing themselves through terrority:
languages loanwords; foreign speeches swords,
closer to their death - the death of the Slavic nation.
Coming up to newer, spirit occupation.

Ruthless - no more, no more
they won the war
of their national souls,
using terrene defend tools.

Written by inspiration through enlightenment self of polish language lies (too many words derived from other languages).
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